Hello, Friend!

I’m Katherine, I empower women to build muscle and get strong. 

Katherine de Boda about hypertrophy strength training workout for women over 40 and 50

I’ve had a movement practice my whole life dancing, practicing yoga, and martial arts.

During my late 30s, I started to notice that the muscle mass in my glutes was disappearing. My body composition was changing. I had more fat mass and less muscle mass even though I had a regular very physically active yoga practice. 

I was also born with hypermobility in my joints and was very flexible but had very little control and strength in my body.

In 2018 I decided to embark on a strength training and muscle-building journey, learning about my macronutrients and the importance of eating enough protein to support muscle growth.

I ended up losing 10% body fat and gaining about 12 pounds of muscle and also increasing my bone density within 1 year!

Katherine de Boda hypertrophy and yoga strength training workout for women over 40 and 50

At the same time along my journey, I encountered a culture of body shaming.

When I was a child studying ballet, I had teachers tell me to never develop my quads because they were already too big - so I never did until recently. Looking back, it would have benefited me to develop my quads and all my leg muscles to support my hypermobile knees!

When I first started bodybuilding, I had a coach tell me not to work my inner thighs too much, so that I would develop more of an outer quad sweep (creating an hourglass aesthetic), to my dismay when I realized how weak I was in my adductors.

All this to say - I do like aesthetics, but my first priority is building strength, balance, health, and feeling great.

Aesthetics is the byproduct of doing the work and living a healthy lifestyle.


I know how essential it is to build strength and muscle mass in the body for a long, healthy life with independence and quality.

I’ve become dedicated to building a surplus of muscle and strength for the rest of my life.

  • Bigger muscles build more strength and bone density

  • Building strength builds longevity

  • Increases grip strength - which is also associated with longevity

  • Building muscle helps control body fat and manages blood sugar

  • Increases your metabolism and helps you feel more confident

Stop playing small.

Be capable; lift heavy 

  • Carry all your groceries in one trip

  • Flip those 5-gallon glass water jugs

  • Lift your own suitcase into the overhead compartment

  • Lift another person to safety

  • Be able to hike with a heavy rucksack

  • Hit your PR

Muscle is the most metabolically active tissue. If you want to look ‘toned’ - build muscle.

Muscle increases energy and burns calories even when you’re resting… Fuel your body and get strong!

Strength is a look and a feeling.

Because building muscle and being strong is badass

Challenge the status quo of women in their 40s and 50s - sexy, strong, and beautiful!

  • Thrive in your highest potential

  • Don’t buy into a limiting narrative 

  • Be strong. Be capable. Be beautiful. Be sexy. 

  • Be the BEST version of YOU!

  • Focus on building. Self growth.

  • Shinning a light on your blind spots, strengthening your weaknesses and increasing your strengths.

When we enter peri-menopause or the menopause cycle of life, we need our movement practice to support us in what our hormones used to provide. We need the 'stress' of weight, and to be truly challenged by it, to create resistance to support our muscle mass to grow - and pair this with eating much more protein than we have before.

I help women like YOU be the strongest, most capable version of themselves.

Learn more about my programs here.

-Katherine de Boda