How Strength Training Balances Your Hormones

Strength training regularly is critical for endocrine health.

It can balance hormones like cortisol, insulin, thyroid, and sex hormones - as well as, increase insulin sensitivity. Insulin sensitivity refers to how sensitive the body's cells are in response to insulin. High insulin sensitivity allows the cells of the body to use blood glucose more effectively, reducing blood sugar and the risk of type 2 diabetes.

There's no better medicine than strength training!

Weight training is the only activity that creates hormonal changes that help both men and women burn fat while maintaining or gaining muscle mass.

Strength training has also been shown to help regulate sex hormones — testosterone and estrogen — especially as men and women get older. As men age, their testosterone level often drops relative to their estrogen level, which can affect muscle growth, energy levels and sexual function.

Women commonly produce less estrogen as they grow older, which can increase the risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, and general hormone dysregulation.

Strength training can be a healthy way - along side optimal protein intake, good, whole food high fibre nutrition, and a good night's sleep - to create hormonal changes, increase metabolic health and create a fit physique.


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